28 Aug

Being born in 1988, I pretty much missed all the glory days of 8-bit gaming and the the classics from that era. Still, as I grew up I decided that I’d much rather spend my time playing videogames, than any other hobby I had. Enjoying games from nearly all genres is something that has stayed with me over the years, and I sincerely hope it will stay with me for many years to come. My favourite games of all times include Duke Nukem 3D, Pokémon Red, Max Payne, Final Fantasy VIII and the entire Battlefield series.

I joined the Elder-Geek crew in May 2009 and become a full staff member a month later. Currently, I am following a MscBA Programme in Human Resource Management at the RSM Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and aim to graduate in 2010.

Feedback on my news articles or reviews are more than welcome, and can be sent to robin@elder-geek.com.

Staff Robin