10 Nov

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In an interview with GTTV, Reggie Fils-Aime (President of Nintendo of America) once again reiterated Nintendo’s official position regarding the ever increasing buzz concerning the possible development of a “Wii HD”. While industry analyst Michael Pachter seems to believe otherwise, Fils-Aime stated that “there is no Wii HD”. This statement follows on speculation by industry insiders and even Nintendo itself acknowledging that the market for HD-entertainment is growing. Recently, Nintendo also told investors that they are looking into possible ways of HD-entertainment, but that they wouldn’t wish to impose this on developers as this would most likely lead to increased development costs for the the console.

In the same interview, Fils-Aime also stated that the company has not officially committed to a 2010 release date for the new Zelda instalment, which could indicate that the game will be pushed forward into 2011.

One thought on “Fils-Aime Denies Wii HD Existence”

  1. Well there might not be a “WiiHD” but there will be an HD system capable of playing Wii games. It is just a matter of time. I expect the next console to show up in late 2012.

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