Though the PC Beta was recently announced to be released today to all those who have pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2 at participating retailers, EA DICE made a surprise-release of the multiplayer demo for the Xbox 360 today as well.
Apparently, the demo was supposed to be released on February 4th, a full week away, but due to unspecified reasons, the demo was released earlier today. EA DICE later confirmed the news via Twitter, by posting “Surprise Reveal: Xbox 360 Battlefield Bad Company 2 MP Demo is live on Xbox Marketplace! Go get it!!!!!!!”.
The multiplayer beta has been available on the Playstation 3 since November 19th. The Playstation 3 will also receive the multiplayer demo, though it is unclear whether it will be available on February 4th as initially planned, or if it will also receive an earlier release. The full game will release on March 2nd in the United States, and March 5th in Europe.
Those who wish to add the Xbox 360 demo to their download queue can go here.
I got my beta code this morning at 3am. I can’t wait to play this tonight!
I just played this for a little while on my 360, and it was awesome
The UAV is a pretty nice addition, since it is hard to spot and CAN be pretty lethal if you get the co-axial machine gun specialization. The progression system seems a little awkward, but overall, I think this is gonna be a blast
It still needs a liiiittle teaking though…