13 May

This may just be approaching the precipice of becoming ridiculous. Web sites for Eidos Interactive and the upcoming Deus Ex: Human Revolution were hacked on Wednesday, briefly displaying the call sign “Owned by Chippy1337” that night. The sites were also briefly unreachable on Thursday morning. Recent discoveries of online transcripts between the hackers have revealed several key terms, including “evo” (a hacker’s alias), and “src” (a popular abbreviation of “source”, believed to be in reference to a source code).

The hackers claimed to have obtained 9,000 Eidos employee resumes, and user info from 80,000 Deus Ex players. Estimates put the blame on the same faction of Anonymous that splintered off the main group with charges of “behind-the-scene string pulling” by the hacker group’s faithful. The full chat log, reportedly of those involved in the hack, can be viewed here (warning: strong language).

When will these hacks end, E-Gs? Is a splintered faction of Anonymous really to blame? Comment below!