Assassins-Creed-4-Logo 15 Jun

During a show floor interview with our very own Randy Yasenchak this past week at E3, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag game director Ashraf Ismail chose his words very carefully when asked about AC4 and Watch_Dogs sharing the same universe.

“I don’t want to ruin the surprise for people,” Ismail admitted, “I don’t want to give anything away. I will say, for the people who love both games, for the people who will play both games; there are some Easter Eggs that may be a bit hard to find, but when you find them, it will blow your mind.”

While by no means a direct confirmation, Ismail’s demeanor and less than subtle method of circumvention of the topic leads to the reasonable possibility of an Ubisoft timeline covering multiple different IP.

Be sure to check all of our post-E3 coverage here on the site, and on our YouTube channel!