After announcing they would not include Online Passes in future titles, EA has confirmed they are currently phasing out the existing ones
After announcing they would not include Online Passes in future titles, EA has confirmed they are currently phasing out the existing ones
As if patching a game needed another reason to be worth it. “Arrival”, the newest rumored DLC for “Mass Effect 2” was found by Kotaku reader Vamplosion after updating his PS3 copy of the game to activate the repair patch for the game’s formerly crippling save deletion bug. Vamplosion found three new trophies, the cryptic […]
The recently released DLC for Mass Effect 2 may have acted as a hint for a more complex batch of content that could be coming to Bioware’s galaxy. Those logged into the Cererbus Network, the game’s unique download hub, received a new wall of scrolling text in the “news” feed that listed a story on […]