Like many Americans, most of us here at Elder-Geek are glued to the TV set come Superbowl time, with a couple handhelds next to the couch for those annoying “sports” portions in between the commercials. With an approximate $1m/second price tag (a cost that has quadrupled since 1989, according to Adweek), the major corporations bring […]
29 Jan
12 Jan
The end of the worth hath cometh. Time to look like a WoW character.

Starting 2010 off with a bang.
12 Nov
Amid the globs of controversy and less than subtle comparisons between it and God of War, there is a lot to look forward to in Visceral Game’s Dante’s Inferno. Set on the historically renown epic poem of the same, Inferno puts players literally through all nine layers of hell as they fight against demons, demented […]