Electronic Arts has made multi-year licensing agreements with Sakar International Inc., Sunflex Europe and Accessories 4 Technology Ltd. to manufacture accessories for the EA Sports Active brand which is to span across multiple gaming platforms including PC and mobile devices. Sakar International is planning to create products for the Wii and Nintendo DS for distribution […]
Despite the fact that the news was recently leaked by the Czech Eurogamer website, Bioware CEO Ray Muzyka has announced that the first expansion to Dragon Age: Origins will be known as Dragon Age: Awakening. The expansion pack will launch on March 16th for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 and contain roughly 15 hours […]
EA has made a public announcement that they are shutting down a host of online servers to make way for new ones in the future, “All of us at EA would like to thank you for your valued participation in our online gaming community. We hope that your enthusiasm for these games extends to our […]
In an interview with IndustryGamers.com, the CEO of Electronic Arts, John Riccitiello, has stated that the company initially ‘bet on the wrong horse’ at the beginning of this console-generation. Expecting that Sony’s Playstation 3 would have a larger userbase than Nintedo’s Wii, EA was left in a relatively weakened state when the Wii became a […]