A listing has appeared on the Brazilian Ratings Board for ‘Far Cry HD’ for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
A listing has appeared on the Brazilian Ratings Board for ‘Far Cry HD’ for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
CVG.com reports that the Frankfurt-based developer Crytek will be announcing a new PC / Console title next month. The announcement comes as the studio announced during GDC that it would also be getting involved in mobile and free-to-play titles for iOS and Android in addition to its triple-A endeavors. More details after the jump.
Clint Hocking has managed to craft a pretty impressive resume in just nine years. Beginning work as a writer and game designer on the original Splinter Cell and its sequel Chaos Theory. Hocking was then promoted to Lead Designer and Creative Director of 2008’s Far Cry 2. Even with all this to his name, Hocking […]
Summer is about to wrap itself up but there is still some time left to take a vacation. Financial hard times have hit almost all of us this summer. To those of us who are lucky enough to be able to afford a nice vacation, kudos! I hope you enjoy yourself! There are still some […]