Following the press conference of Microsoft earlier today, EA opened their E3 2014 presentation with work-in-progress footage from Star Wars Battlefront. The game is currently in development at EA DICE, and the developer showed footage of development crew visiting set locations from the original movies and using original props as reference for the game. Some […]

After almost five years working as an independent developer, Dear Esther developer Robert Briscoe has joined Valve Software. In a post on his personal website, Briscoe explained that during his time in indie development he has had an increasing feeling of “isolation, both personally and professionally,” which led to his decision to join Valve. “So […]

Mirror’s Edge writer Rhianna Pratchett has confirmed on Twitter that she is not involved with the Mirror’s Edge reboot. “It’s really lovely that people care to ask whether I’m involved with Mirror’s Edge 2, but I’m not and wasn’t asked,” Pratchett wrote, in part. “Let’s face it ME1’s story didn’t review that great (for many […]

Sony Clarifies DRM Statement Jack Tretton told GTTV on Tuesday that, “the DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of the third parties. That’s not something we’re going to dictate or control or mandate or implement.” Sony communications director Dan Race has since clarified to Gamefront that Tretton was specifically referring […]