The image above is from a pamphlet apparently being handed out at GamesCom. It’s in German but if you look closely you’ll see the words “4. Quartal 2009” which, while we’re not fluid German speakers, we can pretty safely assume means that Q4 2009. Of course nothing is confirmed yet, but if this were to turn out true it would mean the racing game heavy holiday season just got one more juggernaut to contend with.
UPDATE: An SCEE representative has indeed confirmed the pamphlet as valid, adding another blockbuster title to the quickly crowding holiday season.
– How will this affect your holiday purchases, if at all? Answer in the comments below!
Well distributors listed it as 12/29/2009 last month and they’re usually right give or take a week.
I <3 GT
Yes, I will be buying this. It's refreshing to play a racing game that actually reflects real-world physics.. rather than the Need for Speed wall-hugging tactics. I think the real question is how is this going to compare with the new Forza expansion?