American McGee has confirmed that the original American McGee’s Alice will be included with the sequel that releases in June later this year. Speaking with CVG, McGee stated that those who purchase Alice: Madness Returns will be provided with a code that can be redeemed for the original Alice from 2000.
In the interview, McGee argues that the game doesn’t lend itself to conventional features that normally increase the longevity of the game. Instead, Alice: Madness Returns will be supported by a strong post-release DLC offering. Players will be able to purchase dresses that the in-game Alice can wear, which will bestow her with new powers.
This will be the first time American McGee’s Alice has been ported to consoles. Alice: Madness Returns is being published by EA, which has been providing incentives to consumers that purchase new copies of a game, rather than second-hand version, by providing them with unique content. Whether the inclusion of the original Alice is part of this program, has not been confirmed by EA.
The game is out for PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 on June 14th.
Sweet. I didn’t get the chance to play the original, but now I can.
The style is really cool, but the gameplay isnt fantastic. This is really cool, but dont expect it to be the best game ever.