The Original Dreamcast Box Art for Ikaruga
This time on the Elder-Geek Game Club we played Ikaruga, a genre defining shoot em’ up from Treasure Video Games. Originally released for the Dreamcast in Japan, Ikaruga later saw worldwide releases on the Nintendo Gamecube and Xbox Live Arcade. Were our opinions Black and White or varying shades of Grey? Only one way to find out…
We’d like to thank everyone that downloaded and listened to the last episode, especially everyone that gave us some comments and thoughts to read during the show! Our inaugural episode as part of the Elder-Geek family was the most downloaded episode to date and we certainly appreciate it! Please don’t forget we’re on itunes now and we need feedback and ratings! Help us help you! Click that big blue iTunes button below and subscribe!
You can also send your feedback via email to eldergeekgameclub@gmail.com or twitter @ElderGeekDotCom
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Also, don’t forget to vote for the game YOU want to play for the next Game Club. Next time we’re going Free to Play with Age of Empires Online or Spiral Knights. The Poll is below and closes on Saturday 9/24 at 6:00 PM EST. Vote on the game you’d like to play along with us and be sure to leave your thoughts on the winner before we record our next show on October 4th.
During the episode we mentioned a crazy video of someone playing with two joysticks. As promised, here it is.
Here is a “Dot Eater” Playthrough of someone playing the game without firing a shot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGcfuFkNCfM
Also, here’s the Mr. Show skit Phil talks about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrlS9_n8GX4
Thanks for putting up a Youtube version guys. I always end up distracted during audio-only podcasts, so that was good.
My brother’s really hooked up on hell-shooters, though he likes Touhou a lot better than Ikaruga. I’ve never been one for these types of games myself.
I’m gonna go with Spiral Knights. I played a little bit to get the achievement in the Steam summer sales and didn’t like it much, so i wanna see what you guys have to say about it.
Oh man the work involved in putting those speaker icons in the YT videos. The editor sure likes making his own life difficult…
Yea…. next episode likely won’t have the speaker icons UNLESS I can get all the audio tracks on 3 separate channels.
The whole intention was to get some of our YouTube fans excited about the show too and have them make some comments and vote, etc., etc.
I’m scared that you disliked Spiral Knights, Zkylon. AOE is only ahead by one point. This is coming down to the wire.
Haha, yeah I was thinking the same thing about the speaker icons. Def a lot of work for sure.
And yeah it’s coming down to the wire for sure on the games for the next one. Regardless, I’m ready for either (I think).
BTW Randy, just throwing it out there that you’re up for next episode’s picks unless you don’t want to pick.
I really like this feature. I can’t wait for titles like VVVVVV, Zenoclash, Pixel Junk Monsters, Shatter, Speedball 2, Dragon Nest… maybe even larger games like League of Legends (which most sites don’t cover a lot, other than IGN) and Torchlight.
I played Spiral Knights a little bit when it first came out. It has a strange Legend of Zelda feel, but the combat never felt satisfying to me. I also had problems being kicked out of games with friends.
Spiral Knights.
Here is my take on the game.
Boring gameplay. The combat is bland.
Very clean and streamlined menu and it is very easy to nagivate:
Contoller support as well!
Its a good game but I just found it way to boring. Maybe playing with other would have made the game more worthwhile.
Thanks for all the comments everyone! They were all part of the show. Next episode will be up shortly-ish-able.