Hiroshi Yamauchi, former President of Nintendo (during its transition from toy-makers to game-makers,) was known for his brutal work ethic and rare eccentric gaff, but due to a recent investment, his image may have softened a bit. Yamauchi donated the full amount needed (7.5 billion yen/$83 million) to build a new cancer research hospital in Kyoto, Japan. The 8-story, 82,000 square feet facility will include radiation oncology, internal medicine oncology, respiratory surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, and urology departments, and is expected to open in the coming weeks.
Always been a huge fan of this dude. Somewhat of rag to riches story, and being a renegade is why Nintendo exists as it does today. Really interesting life. Awesome to see this news. He’s worth about $8 billion, so I don’t think an amazing donation like this is going to hurt him :P.