15 Jun

Thinking of a career in video game testing? Well, developer Futuremark Games has made an open request for PC gamers in North America and Europe willing to test their new gravity-defying FPS, Shattered Horizons. The game has players trying to survive after a post-lunar mining accident blows literal tons of rock and debris into the space near Earth’s orbit. Interested gamers can sign up for the beta at the official Shattered Horizons site.

“Playing a multiplayer FPS in zero gravity offers gameplay possibilities that simply cannot be found in conventional shooters,” said Antti Summala, Lead Game Designer at Futuremark Game Studios. “I invite every gamer looking for an FPS that offers something new and different to sign up for our beta test.”

The beta is open to PC gamers from North America and Europe aged 18 and above. The minimum hardware requirements are Windows Vista, DirectX 10 graphics card, dual core processor, Steam account and a broadband Internet connection. No previous beta testing experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and time to play.