11 Feb

With major publishers Sega vocally pulling support of Nintendo’s console, overall projected third-party development support dropping 12% from last year, hardcore hopes for outside IP on the console seem to be diluted across the board. Despite the reduced interest in the Wii from many major developers, IndustryGamers still managed to get a hint of a port possibility of the popular submarine shooter Bioshock – even though Bioshock 2 seems unlikely – from a recent interview with 2K Marin’s Jordan Thomas.

“Nothing beyond speculation presently,” the Bioshock 2 creative director said, “Anything that’s brought to the Wii tends to need to be purpose built, or fairly fundamentally re-architected. There are few games that use Unreal that made it across to the Wii. It doesn’t mean that it’s out of the sphere of possibility, but it’s not something we considered forĀ BioShock 2.”

What verdict does the Elder-Geek court pass on this notion? Is Bioshock a franchise that could function well on the Wii hardware? How would the experience change if it was ported? Let us know your thoughts below!

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