21 Sep


One of the chief complaints held against Square Enix’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution was its boss fights, the consensus being the segments forced a specific style of play in a game boasting a variety of balanced gameplay tactics. Turns out, they felt out of place for a reason, as some footage from the game’s “Augmented Edition” (thanks Game Informer) discusses the outsourcing of these level segments to  outside developer GRIP Entertainment (subsidiary of GripHeavyIndustries).

“The guys at Eidos [Montreal] gave us the design, gave us the engine,” Dr. Paul A. Kruszewski, President of GRIP, explained, “and we brought in our own behavior tree engine and we gave them back that experience.”

Is this kind of outsourcing directly responsible for the boss fight’s not meshing with the rest of Human Revolution, EGs? Did you find the game’s boss encounters to be that out of place to begin with? Comment below!

One thought on “‘Deus Ex: Human Revolution’ Boss Fights Designed Outside of Eidos”

  1. I think using another studio JUST for boss battles is cheating =P

    Insomniac and Kojima’s Konami(with Metal Gear Solid) don’t do that and their boss battles kick butt.

    I still want to play Deus Ex.

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