09 Nov

Ubisoft and Penguin Books announced a collaborative novel project, published by both parties, based on the video game developer’s upcoming Assassin’s Creed II. Called Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance, the book will hit retail shelves on November 26th, shortly after it’s video game counter-part’s European launch. The book completes Ubisoft’s tri-media endorsement of its unexpectedly popular stealth-action […]

24 Sep

Gamers on the mouse-and-keyboard must be a patient bunch. Both Gearbox’s massively-multiplayer RPG/shooter Borderlands and Ubisoft’s stealth-action Assassin’s Creed 2 have received delays on their respective PC versions. While Borderlands players will only have to wait around a week after the title’s October 20th console release, PC gamers yearning for the latest dunk into the […]