During a recent investors call, Activision confirmed that another Call of Duty installment is slated for release later this year.
During a recent investors call, Activision confirmed that another Call of Duty installment is slated for release later this year.
The Big N has finally released the launch details on their tablet-lead console
Largely playing to audience expectations once again, Microsoft’s 2012 E3 Press Conference focused largely on the system’s expanding media license support and Kinect integration. Against trailers for Ascend: New Gods (from Toy Soldiers‘ Signal Studios) Fable: The Journey, Forza Horizon, Gears of War: Judgement, Lococycle (from Twisted Pixel) and the ethereal Matter, were introductions to […]
Spoiling their own announcement half a day early, some overeager Activision employee launched the publisher’s official reveal site for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Confirming the rumored November 13th deadline, Activision included the following blurb describing the upcoming schedule: Pushing the boundaries of what fans have come to expect from the record-setting entertainment franchise, […]