The currently Japan-only box set includes all 13 main releases from the franchise, as well as some art and documentary extras
The currently Japan-only box set includes all 13 main releases from the franchise, as well as some art and documentary extras
Capcom is celebrating 25 years of Street Fighter in a big, beautiful way. The publisher announced a whopping 15-disc collector’s box set of games and supplements from the franchise. The games included are Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, and Street […]
A product page for a bundled collection of all PS3 games in the Resistance shooter franchise has appeared on Amazon France. According to the retailer, the box set will contain Resistance 1-3 (no mention of any of the games’ various DLC) and retail for €59.99. The collection is listed to release in the EU on […]