Nintendo has announced several new titles for the Nintendo 3DS and confirmed many release date for the handheld and WiiU at its Nintendo Direct conference.
Nintendo has announced several new titles for the Nintendo 3DS and confirmed many release date for the handheld and WiiU at its Nintendo Direct conference.
Billy Mitchell, the man best-known for having achieved the first perfect-score in Pacman, has opened a new arcade at the Orlando, Florida airport. The arcade has been named “King of Kong,” in reference to the 2007 documentary that followed Steve Wiebe as he tried to beat several gaming-records set by Mitchell. Picture of both Mitchell […]
Never count Nintendo out when sales are concerned, especially this generation. While recent earnings reports still put hardware sales down 31% from this same point last year (¥807.99 billion down from ¥1.182 trillion), software both new and old continues to rake in massive numbers.
Can this Rare gem be revitalized with a Retro touch?