Another new ‘God of War’ collection could be coming to store shelves in preparation for ‘Ascension’
Another new ‘God of War’ collection could be coming to store shelves in preparation for ‘Ascension’
Both The Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles are being bundled for the Playstation Store as part of the Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection. Capcom announced the up-rezzed on-rails shooters – compatible with Playstation Move – for this June, first as a bundle and then offered separately at a later date.
Konami recently announced that it is gearing up for some handheld ops and bringing the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection to the Playstation Vita sometime this summer. Peace Walker will be MIA for the collection, which will still boast revised versions of MGS 2: Sons of Liberty and MGS 3: Snake Eater, both games reportedly […]
Capcom has issued a press release earlier today indicating that the Devil May Cry HD Collection, which contains HD-remakes of the first three installments in the franchise, will be released in North America and Europe on April 3rd, 2012. The remakes will be available at $39.99 for both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, and feature content […]