14 Oct

In a much more intimate response than many received in this controversy over EA and Danger Close’s Medal of Honor, former United States Marine Benjamin Busch compares current gaming to the imaginary games of generations past. Deployed as an infantry officer for two combat tours in Iraq, Busch sees the game as making the current […]

13 Oct

Even though gamers are facing down ‘Opposing Forces’ rather than the controversial ‘Taliban’ in Electronic Arts’ Medal of Honor, the name change didn’t help the game’s already tarnished image within certain ranks of the military community. While such a fruitless sacrifice has left many in the industry confused, Craig Owens – the game’s marketing director […]

07 Oct

The main reason stated by Electronic Arts for their name change of Medal of Honor‘s ‘Opposing Forces’ (from the ‘Taliban’ in the original build) was the respect to the service men and women and their families. Despite the acquiescence to the complaints of military families and pundits, the game remains inaccessible on military base stores […]