In our 40th episode we are joined by Elder-Geek’s Trevor Faulkner as we discuss Capcom’s 25th Anniversary for Mega Man.

Capcom has announced it will be making the fan-made “Street Fighter X Mega Man” cross-over available for free on the 17th of December

With this year marking the 25th Anniversary of the blue bomber, with nary a mention of a new or bundled title so far to celebrate (aside from the so-far dismally received iOS game Mega Man Xover), many Mega Man fans feared the notoriously difficult platform shooter wouldn’t make it to 26. However, speaking in the […]
After being teased last month with a trailer hinting at a crossover between three of Japan’s most prolific developers, the 3DS production that brought Capcom, Namco Bandai, and Sega together has been revealed to be the strategy-RPG Project X Zone. The game’s debut spread in Famitsu (translated by Andriasang), the game will include characters from […]