SCE and Unity Technologies have announced a “strategic partnership”, bringing optimized Unity development tools for PS platforms
SCE and Unity Technologies have announced a “strategic partnership”, bringing optimized Unity development tools for PS platforms
The working relationship between SuperBot and Sony has reportedly “ended on good terms”
The interview that has lead to an official IGDA investigation into the workplace conditions at Team Bondi have had a secondary effect that looks to be just as much a backwards step for the Australian developer. GameIndustry.biz (registration required for full article) is reporting via anonymous sources that Rockstar North has led a successful effort […]
While most video game companies have temporary partnerships with book publishers on a per-game basis, THQ and Random House have settled on a more permanent arrangement. According to the press release, the partnership will be to create new IP and continue foster trans-media proliferation of existing ones, like THQ and Kaos Studios’ Homefront, which recently […]