20 Jul

I’m your average young adult living in Viking Land being deprived of freedom toast (apparently). My degree is in IT but due to oversaturation in the job market I work in a local store. On the brighter side however I am the Senior Editor of Elder-Geek.com, so my job is to oversee along with Randy all content that goes up on the site. I also help out with the site once in a while, mainly the forums.

I’ve been gaming since I was a young buck and first had to give up the battle axe in favor of the more modern times. I found a suitable replacement however at 6 years old when I was introduced to the world of gaming through Wolfenstain 3D on my stepdads computer.  Since then I’ve owned pretty much every big console and upgraded my PC countless times, I play pretty much every genre out there, but recently I’ve noticed myself starting to preference third person action adventure games.

I’m also a big science buff, not on any sort of professional level but let’s just say I’m very easily fascinated by it. I pride myself on my reason and can debate what others would consider boring or pointless for hours. Really, although I can sometimes come off as arrogant and a bit too direct; I’m a pretty nice guy at heart and you don’t have to be afraid of my battle axe,  it’s only there to make my freakishly large penis look smaller.

email: matsp at elder-geek dot com

One thought on “Mats Paasche – Senior Editor”

  1. I commend your gaming prowess Mats, Im just not that much of a PC gamer yet though…i concentrate mostly on console updates and such 😀

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