05 Nov

The Zombie Game Experiment is a community game development project. The public can help design a zombie game with industry professionals and at the same time help the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Member need to donate one dollar or more to the development fund. Sponsors of $10 dollars or more receive the game for free when it is finished and their username will be placed in the credits of the final product.

So far the project has managed to land a few big name sponsors like:

Andrew Lackey on Sound Effect Design (SFX designer on the Matrix film, Spore DeadSpace, and others)

Aaron Rosenberg is helping to create the story, he has written for World of Warcraft, Dungeons & Dragons, Starcraft and other novels.

Jonathan Coulton has licensed the project a song. (famed for the Portal song “Still Alive” tune and many others)

For more information, visit the Zombe Experiment home page.

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