04 Jun

The NPD Group’s monthly release of Western sales statistics has long been a source of fanboy bile and analyst interest, but it looks like the company is experiencing a rare delay, and will not release the figures of this past May (which fared much better than the previous month, we at Elder-Geek were assured) until July. The delay stems from a “significant change” to the Group’s IT architecture. We have not yet been informed if this change will effect either the method or appearance of NPD’s monthly figures, but the company is expected to remain on their release track once this delay has passed.

2 thoughts on “May NPD Data Delayed Until July”

  1. Well I hope this delay finally includes Downloadable PC titles, cause man, that is important for a couple of reasons.

    1. It shows that the PC market is not dead
    2. It shows that not all PC players are pirates
    3. It shows the actual numbers of games sold, and not just the ones on the console.

  2. They should go international and start including at the very least europe. Which is likely to have surpassed the US market in total revenues now as it was only about half a % away in 2008. Oh and NPD doesn’t include Walmart, the largest retailer in the world.

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