With the God of War Collection successfully competing financially with the new releases of its launch window, a rumored Team ICO Collection getting fans across the board in a tizzy, and The Sly Collection on the way, the Playstation 3 has come to be a happy home for HD special collections. Sony has taken notice, SCE Worldwide President Shuhei Yoshida confirming the company’s intent to continue with the business model in an interview with IGN.
“Santa Monica Studios had the brilliant idea to upgrade and improve God of War for PS3 with the God of War Collection that we released last year,” he said. “There were a lot of positive reactions from consumers in doing that, and now we get a lot of suggestions for types of packs they’d like to see…So we are looking to continue to do these HD conversions…We are looking into ways how we can deliver the PS2 library to PS3 consumers, but we are not ready to announce anything yet.”