6 thoughts on “MAGFest 9”

    1. Yea, I hope my video game centered panels are approved. Either way it will be a great con to meet people.

      I hope to be able to come with Nerdfit.com, who recently bought BrentalFloss to Another Anime Con in New Hampshire, so it will be a great way to introduce those from the Northeast.

  1. So want to go, but alas, I don’t have the money to get over to the east coast. Having a place to stay is no problem, but transportation is.

    Cause I don’t feel like posting on your Youtube page. I would say a Tales of, Dragon Quest, Medal of Honor, or Street Fighter since I don’t think any major sites have tackled any of those. Those are just some suggestions.

  2. Personally, I’d rather not do a MoH retrospective directly after a CoD retrospective. It’s too much.

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