This review makes me want the game so bad! I’m real happy to see them return to what made Rome and Kingdoms so great.
Urgh… Moar video reviews I can’t watch from work
Any chance you guys could do like a 1 paragraph summary along with video reviews for people reading the site on more restricted or less able computers or connections?
What is it that prevents you from watching at work? They have youtube blocked?
Its about 2-3 versions of flash out of date, and I don’t have the access to update it. lol
It basically says the game looks and plays great and its a good addition to the series.
Awesome review. I will pick up the game at a later date, but I really want to play it. I loved the demo, so I know I will like the full game.
Now to get my rig fixed so I can play this and SC2 again.
I think this is your best video review yet, Patrick! Well done!
Yeah, the review was superb!
Any idea how does this run in mid-range PCs? Never played a Total War game before (well, just a wee bit of Rome) but the game looks worth a try just for the killer GUI design.
It runs pretty decent on medium settings, but you won’t get the full experience of the environments and the large scale battles, with smaller sized units. That’s the downside of the Total War games in general.
Its kinda sinful how much I have fallen in love with with this game.
This review makes me want the game so bad! I’m real happy to see them return to what made Rome and Kingdoms so great.
Urgh… Moar video reviews I can’t watch from work
Any chance you guys could do like a 1 paragraph summary along with video reviews for people reading the site on more restricted or less able computers or connections?
What is it that prevents you from watching at work? They have youtube blocked?
Its about 2-3 versions of flash out of date, and I don’t have the access to update it. lol
It basically says the game looks and plays great and its a good addition to the series.
Awesome review. I will pick up the game at a later date, but I really want to play it. I loved the demo, so I know I will like the full game.
Now to get my rig fixed so I can play this and SC2 again.
I think this is your best video review yet, Patrick! Well done!
Yeah, the review was superb!
Any idea how does this run in mid-range PCs? Never played a Total War game before (well, just a wee bit of Rome) but the game looks worth a try just for the killer GUI design.
It runs pretty decent on medium settings, but you won’t get the full experience of the environments and the large scale battles, with smaller sized units. That’s the downside of the Total War games in general.
Its kinda sinful how much I have fallen in love with with this game.