In an interview with TenTonHammer, Turbine Director of Communication Adam Mersky has stated that ever since The Lord of the Rings: Online went free to play in September 2010, the revenue produced by the game has increased more than threefold. In October, Turbine already indicated revenues had doubled within a single month after adapting a free-to-play model in the United States. It is currently unclear if the most recent statement by Mersky exclusively concerns the North American market, or if it also includes increased revenue from the European service, where the game didn’t go free-to-play until November.
Aside from the increased revenue the new players are bringing in, Executive Producer Kate Paiz has indicated that the increased number of players has also helped in making the world feel more alive and vibrant than before. She also added she believes the business model adopted for The Lord of the Rings: Online to be part of a greater industry-shift, where consumers are offered a choice whether or not they wish to engage in premium transactions.
A third expansion pack for the game, which has been in active service since April 2007, is scheduled for release later this year.