Firewatch started as an amazing experience. Beautiful visuals. Engrossing story. Captivating characters. A romantic escape into a fictional universe based on a real one wrapped around an unnerving mystery begging to be solved. Plus I found a turtle and named him Turt Reynolds. But then about four hours into my five hour run with the […]
It’s always best as a critic if you can secure an early copy of a game to review before it releases. The obvious benefit from an outsider’s perspective is that an early review nets more views. But the not-so-obvious and more important reason is so that the critic goes into the experience as fresh as […]
When Dragon’s Dogma first came out on the consoles, I skipped it entirely. I’m not really sure why, but it was probably my dwindling faith in Capcom in combination with a $60 pricetag. Though most of their games aren’t the highest quality, Capcom makes titles that can be delightfully quirky at times. Even if I […]
Developed by Night School Studio (a group of former Telltale Games workers), Oxenfree is an adventure game for Windows, OSX, and Xbox One. It’s a coming of age tale set on an abandoned island that seasonally acts as a tourist destination and camping site where five teenagers throw an end of school year celebration… sans […]