28 Sep

“Exposure: Gaddafi and the IRA”, a documentary on terrorism that aired on the British ITV network last night, appears to have mistaken video games for real life. In a clip (since removed from internet circulation) discussing trunk mounted machine-guns shooting down British helicopters, a gameplay segment from 2009’s ArmA II was broadcast in the stead […]

22 Sep

Over $150 million hangs in the balance in the aftermath of MTV’s selling off of Harmonix earlier this year. MTV’s parent company Viacom has taken the former shareholders of the Rock Band studio to court over a refund of the bonus payments given out at Harmonix’s initial acquisition. Viacom is asking for $131,827,980 of the […]

10 Sep

Back in July, Activision filed an official complaint against the owner of www.modernwarfare3.com, a site which became known after the URL redirected traffic to rival shooter Battlefield 3‘s official front page. The specifics of the case were that the site’s owner, Anthony Abraham of Florida, had intentionally -and in bad faith – filed a “confusing […]