Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
As expected, EA announced a new installment in the Crysis series earlier today. Crysis 3, once again developed by German developer Crytech, is set for a launch in Spring 2013 on PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360. More details are available after the jump.
CVG.com reports that the Frankfurt-based developer Crytek will be announcing a new PC / Console title next month. The announcement comes as the studio announced during GDC that it would also be getting involved in mobile and free-to-play titles for iOS and Android in addition to its triple-A endeavors. More details after the jump.
Following persistent rumors and an accidental reveal by the ESRB earlier this year, developer Crytek has confirmed to Kotaku that four years after the Crysis established a new milestone in PC-graphics, Crysis will be coming to consoles. In fact, the release of the game is apparently only a single month away, with a currently unspecified release date set […]