A game starring a fearless Viking that solely focuses on mutilating and dismembering as many enemies possible… what’s not to like?

Usually I prefer to see developers stick to whatever genre they’ve proven to be successful in. A studio that pours resources into a project that doesn’t have many ties to previous successful projects tends to be taking quite a risk, as history has shown that the results of such projects tend to vary tremendously. Therefore, […]
It often seems to be forgotten that Square Enix develops more games besides just the Final Fantasy series, and the occasional obscure title that only see the light of day in Japan. One of these games that made its way to Western territories in 2008 was The Last Remnant, a not-so-traditional Japanese Role Playing Game that […]
“Look what I found outside, Mom! Can I keep it?” The answer was always “No”… It was a phase which most of us have probably experienced, and it often resulted in the realization that parents usually didn’t share the same passion as you, when it came to catching bugs and putting them in jars. “But […]