At the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom revealed a wealth of information on their upcoming third-person shooter Lost Planet 2. For details about the game, a trailer and several screenshots, please follow the link.
Lost Planet 2 picks up 10 years after the original, which was released for the Xbox 360 early 2007 and was released for the Playstation 3 a year later. Players will no longer venture exclusively to snow covered lands, but also travel to more lush environments such as deserts and jungles. The game will also feature 4-player cooperative online play. The campaign will span 6 episodes, the first three of which are introduced by means of the trailer below. It shows combat, explosions and plenty of massive creatures.
Several screenshots were also released. Three of these can be found below. To view them at a higher resolution, click on one of the images.
One of the character models for the “Forest Pirates” found in the game was also released at the TGS. You can find it to the right.
The game is set for a simultaneous release on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. No specific release date has been confirmed by Capcom, although the game is still scheduled for a release this winter.