27 Dec

Unsurprisingly, Square Enix’s launch of Final Fantasy XIII was a gigantic press event in Japan, and proved immensely successful once the first week’s sales figures came in. The developer-publisher announced that at least one million copies were sold during the game’s first 24 hours, not counting those bundled with the PS3 hardware. Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu then followed up with an official tally of 1, 516, 532 copies in total (the Playstation 3 also saw a significant boost, selling 245, 406 units in the region.) The numbers break multiple Japanese sales records: both for the most PS3 units sold in a week, and Final Fantasy XIII becoming the best telling PS3 title ever in Japan.

5 thoughts on “Final Fantasy Sells 1.5m in First Week”

  1. I am not surprised.

    Now how many of these “fans” are complaining about the game? Cause that is annoying. ToS:DotnW I understand being horrible, it was horrible all over, this though, I do not understand as much. Are they saying that it is worse than X-2, cause if it is, then I would be pissed, but if not, then I don’t care, let me play my damn movie.

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