The Big N has finally released the launch details on their tablet-lead console
The Big N has finally released the launch details on their tablet-lead console
With the Playstation Vita launching in North America and Europe tomorrow, IndustryGamers recently reported that several Japanese developers are abandoning their projects intended for the handheld, and switching towards projects for the Nintendo 3DS.
This is not a good sign. Sony’s Playstation Vita has met with less than expected numbers for both of its weeks on store shelves, and while the wifi SKU has seen decent – if not spectacular – sales, the 3G model has been an albatross around the system’s neck, weighing down the overall figures for […]
In a post on the World of Warcraft blog, Blizzard announced earlier today that more than $1.9 million has been raised for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami relief fund of the American Red Cross. This amount was raised by selling an in-game Cenarion Hatchling pet, which was available for $10. The fundraiser started early […]