18 Jan

Quantic Dream and Sony Computer Entertainment have not so shockingly launched a pre-release website for the upcoming film noir-esque Heavy Rain, complete with character information, screenshots, and flash player embedded loading screens. What flavors the site’s launch, however, is a supplemental murder mystery game that is open for everyone with a birth date high enough to access the site.

According to the site’s description:

Four Days’ is a live online mystery which plays out in real time across three weeks, beginning on January 26th. You’ll be able to get involved in the hunt for a killer – interacting with characters, identifying clues, making decisions. Between Tuesday and Friday of each week there will be daily tasks for you to complete, or puzzles to solve. Along the way, you may well discover some cool exclusive content – but just as importantly, you won’t find any spoilers that will ruin your experience of playing Heavy Rain itself!

The site as a whole, along with the Four Lives Challenge, can be accessed here.

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