25 May

Almost three years after the original Mass Effect was released, Legendary Pictures has confirmed that it is now working on a movie adaptation of the franchise. Previous work from Legendary Pictures includes “The Dark Knight”, “300”, “Watchmen”, and the recently released “Clash of the Titans.” Additional staff attached to the project include Bioware co-founders Dr. Ray Muzyka Dr. Gregory Zeschuk, who will fulfill the role of executive producers. Additional producers include Avi and Ari Arad, known for “Iron Man”, “The Incredible Hulk”, and more upcoming game-to-movie adaptations such as inFAMOUS and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Mark Protosevich, a screenwriter known for his work on “I am Legend” and the upcoming Marvel Comic-adaptation “Thor”, is currently in talks with Legendary Pictures.

Legendary Pictures has confirmed that the project is still in very early stages of development.

3 thoughts on “Mass Effect Gets Movie Adaptation”

  1. I reckon this might actually get pretty awesome. With the Bioware co-founders so heavilly attached, they probably won’t fuck this up. Additionally, Legendary Pictures is pretty neat :)

  2. The Bioware guarantee of quality will at least put this up there with the best game-to-films, but that’s not a real indicator of overall quality. Hopefully Legendary keeps the strength of the material in mind as production heats up, I have confidence in this team so far.

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