22 Oct

With the release of Obsidian Entertainments Fallout: New Vegas only a few days behind us, the president of Interplay Entertainment, Eric Caen, has stated in an interview with Edge Magazine that the MMORPG based on the Fallout universe will be released in the second half of 2012. He also re-affirmed his previous statement that a beta for the MMORPG would be made available that same year.

In this particular interview, Caen also stated that more than 90 individuals are currently involved in the development of the game, and that it has been possible for the developers to traverse the in-game world ever since early 2009. For the past year, Interplay has been engaged in a legal conflict with Besthesda Softworks, over the rights to publish the Fallout Online, which was previously only known by it’s working title: “Project V13.” Caen also indicated that Bethesda had declined to pay a sum of $50 million to acquire the rights to the title.

2 thoughts on “Fallout MMO Set for Release in Second Half of 2012”

  1. I don’t think its going to be fun as a MMO. Its one of those games that best by itself. Really, we got to choices and that’s free to play but not free for awesome gear, and pay buy month or year plans for a MMO fallout themed. I’d rather stick with one time payment of $60 and $15 here or there for DLC.

    1. Haven’t tried it yet, but fan made Fallout Online 2238 is a hit amongst longtime fans. So Fallout MMORPG is fun, you just gotta do it right.

      Still, MMOs are 90% destined to fail and suck so…

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