Everyone in the industry has thoughts on what Nintendo’s next console needs to have to succeed in the marketplace. But one of the more universally theorized features, a hard drive, may not be a part of the system, if a Kotaku report is correct. Citing only “sources”, the website states the “Project Cafe” will not come equipped with a hard drive, and only 8gb of on-board flash memory and SD card input.
The Big N’s next console will either be 1080i or 1080p, but neither has been confirmed. The new disc format for the system holds 25gb/disc, similar to a single-layer blu-ray. The on-controller screens have also been reportedly designed for either supplementary in-game functionality like maps and character data, or temporary streaming of a game within a limited range, allowing a player to continue their game while temporarily leaving the room. Nintendo of America has not returned Elder-Geek’s call for comments.
We can expect Nintendo’s final word on these rumors on June 7th, when the company holds its E3 press conference at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California.
How plausible do you rank this report, E-Gs? Anything featured here that would make you buy the console on launch day? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section!
Stupid, just stupid. With DLC you will need to have at least a 50GB harddrive. Heck I can go out and buy a 1TB drive for around $50 (granted it is a 3.5″ drive; but still).
Give me the option to add a 2.5″ drive a la PS3 and I will be happy. Also it should be standard to have 1080p.
I will reserve all final judgments until they announce the full system specs at E3.
If true, this is Nintendo going back to the ‘change for the sake of change’ they’re so fond of.
So long it has the Nintendo-brand slapped on it I’d buy it, sure
Having all the other home consoles from Nintendo it would be a shame to not include the new one!
Another thing we must keep in mind is that Nintendo has always innovated their tech to benefit the actual gameplay and not to please the HD-crowd. Having an HD-TV myself I would gladly see the Wii in HD but I wouldn’t buy Nintendo for that -> thats why I have the PS3 and X360