07 Jan

Programmers for titles on Xbox Live’s Indie Marketplace have had some stiff regulations to work against in the past, with small size limits and alleged Dashboard handicaps. Microsoft looks to be trying to fix some of the problems with some significant upgrades to the Marketplace, including an increase in potential size limits from 150 to 500mb. The maximum amount of games per company was doubled from 10 to 20, and the minimum price tag can now be used on games up to 150mb, rather than the previous cap of 50mb.

2 thoughts on “Xbox Live Indie Marketplace Sees Significant Production Changes”

  1. The minimum a game can cost is 80 MS points ($1).

    With a handy can on game size you really can’t do a lot. That is one big problem with Wiiware games and the 40mb size limit (due to Nintendo’s poor planning for the future).

    It will be cool to see what games developers will be able to come up with in the future with this limit cap raised.

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