08 May

A quartet of job listings (the latest discoveries of Twitter wunder-account Superannuation) hints at a next generation motion-controlled music game in development at Harmonix. The description for their requested Software Engineer briefly mentions “brand new IP and next-generation consoles”, and the postings for both a Narrative and Senior Content Designer request knowledge of motion controls. The Narrative Designer will be tasked with “emotionally compelling story lines”, while the language of the Senior Content Designer listing confirms the upcoming project as being music-based.

And finally, the requirements for Harmonix’s Senior Level Designer position include the promise of designing around “combat encounters, environmental interactions, AI behaviors, & other scripted elements”. Harmonix has released no comment on the matter, and given the project is so early in production the crew hasn’t been fully staffed, it could be a long wait for any official word.

(via Shack News)