New-THQ-Logo-600x360 27 Apr

The full listing of THQ creditors with claims against the former publisher have been made available on the website for bankruptcy firm Kurtzman Carson Consultants.  According to Polygon, claims range all the way from $2.98 from a Tennessee tax assessor, to $39 million from UK-based THQ Holdings Ltd.

The claimants also include companies like Microsoft, for $214,000 plus financing fees of $888,652, and Double Fine Productions for $595,000 for an alleged breach of contract. Double Fine claims THQ gave their games Stacking and Costume Quest away for free on PlayStation Plus as part of a promotion, but did not give the studio adequate notice of the decision. Double Fine also noted they did not receive any payments from the PlayStation Plus profits. Codemasters is also seeking $1 million in royalties and stock on some titles.

Former THQ executives Jason Kay and Jason Rubin, who were brought on to help THQ in May 2012, are also among the claimants seeking $2.1 million and $2 million respectively for “Employment Obligations.”

GamePolitics has estimated the total THQ currently owe to approximately $200 million.

(via VG247, Gamasutra)