It seems I have a higher tolerance for horror than most people. I’ve been often criticized when saying certain games aren’t scary while others have been terrified. Layers of Fear scared me. I think it’s a great horror title. It is NOT survival horror. If anything, I’d call it a haunted house simulator. You scoot […]
Firewatch started as an amazing experience. Beautiful visuals. Engrossing story. Captivating characters. A romantic escape into a fictional universe based on a real one wrapped around an unnerving mystery begging to be solved. Plus I found a turtle and named him Turt Reynolds. But then about four hours into my five hour run with the […]
It’s always best as a critic if you can secure an early copy of a game to review before it releases. The obvious benefit from an outsider’s perspective is that an early review nets more views. But the not-so-obvious and more important reason is so that the critic goes into the experience as fresh as […]
If you’ve been anxious for a vacation where you can kick back with a bottle of whiskey on a lonely beach and watch some boat explode off on the horizon, Just Cause 3 can’t really help you get there, but you can watch someone else live that reality. Over and over again. And again. Every […]