Summer is about to wrap itself up but there is still some time left to take a vacation. Financial hard times have hit almost all of us this summer. To those of us who are lucky enough to be able to afford a nice vacation, kudos! I hope you enjoy yourself! There are still some […]
Op-ed Pieces found on
I’ve been reminiscing about EverQuest, back from the Trilogy days (up to Velious, but not past it – what I consider to be the true EverQuest), and I’m remembering details about what made the game enjoyable for me. Yesterday I spoke about the leveling process being my favorite thing in MMORPGs. [Note: Not all leveling processes are created equal – some suck] This led me to start thinking about specific things I did while leveling up in games like The Realm, EverQuest, and DAOC, that are missing from today’s games.
Daniel Floyd has been very generous and is allowing us to run his content on our site. Thanks Daniel! Without further ado, here is the sixth episode in his video lecture series.
One day when me and one of my many supermodel girlfriends were driving down the road we came upon a massive object in our path. After some close inspection I realized it was a Pokemon, and a huge one at that. Without having any measuring equipment I would have to guesstimate that he is about […]