11.11.11 takes on more importance.
For the past four years since its inception, the Penny Arcade foundation’s Child’s Play charity has steadily exceeded its donations year-over-year, and 2010 represents a new plateau in that direction. Internal figures estimate that a new record of $2, 294, 317 was donated throughout the year, with major donors being Epic Game’s “Fate of Carmine” […]
The next MAGFest is coming up Jan 13-16, 2011, and will be holding a charity auction, with 100% of proceeds to be donated to Child’s Play. Child’s Play is a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in a network of over 60 hospitals worldwide. Since their inception […]
Our charitable Child’s Play venture into the Mojave Wasteland, we are happily biased to report, was a success in multiple ways.