The Mortal Kombat franchise has been in a hesitant limbo ever since its creator, Midway Entertainment, filed for bankruptcy and its rights to the series absorbed by Warner Brothers. But a new trailer, dubbed “Mortal Kombat: Rebirth,” hit the internet today that, while seemingly not building up hype for a new game, hints at a […]
Acting as a major keynote in Sony’s conference at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference was a video debuting their motion controller. Shown in a variety of uses, the system has finally received a final name, “Playstation Move,” and will be available this Fall. Advertised games featuring the motion control include LittleBigPlanet, EyePet, Motion Fighter, SOCOM […]
Creators of the fan-and-critic-adored title Castle Crashers, The Behemoth announced today their upcoming title BattleBlock Theater. Based on the caliber of their previous products, this title demands your attention.
Launching February 4, 2010 is the latest creation from the brilliant minds MichaĆ«l Samyn and Auriea Harvey of Tale of Tales. They’re releasing an iPhone and iPod Touch app titled Vanitas.